President's Message


Fellow IAATI Members,

It is an honor to have been elected your IAATI President for 2023/2024. 

For those who do not know me, I am Nathan McGanty.  I am a Lieutenant with the Chesapeake (VA) Police Department and am the evening shift Command Duty Officer.  I am married to my wonderful wife of 16 years, Jessica, and we have two daughters and one son.  I am also a Past President of SEIAATI and 1st Vice President of IAMI.

I have been a part of IAATI since 2011, when I attended my first international training conference in Atlantic City when Chris McDonold was President.  Since this time, I have attended either, sometimes both, an International or SEIAATI conference.

Over the years, I have gained vast knowledge and new skills from IAATI.  I became an IAATI Vehicle Crimes Specialist and made countless contacts and lifelong friends. 

My hope for all of you is to do the same.  Do not make this a once-a-year thing.  Become engaged, broaden your reach and resources, and leave your comfort zone.  The end rewards are well worth it.

Over the next year, I hope to move IAATI forward on multiple fronts while maintaining the high level of training we already offer.  We will be introducing an IAATI APP with a new website.  It will allow members to stay engaged and find resources at their fingertips throughout the year.  I want to introduce a Vehicle Crimes Rebranding while maintaining the IAATI name and logo and start a membership drive with benefits for our current members.

I am always available to you and can be reached via email at

Again, thanks for allowing me to serve you and this great organization for the next year.


Nathan McGanty
President 2023-2024