
This page lists a collection of latest news items from around the world. For more news items members can also access the latest issues of our APB and Vehicle Crimes Today publications from the resources page.


Stolen Vehicle

More than 1,500 vehicles stolen in Canada have been detected around the world since the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) successfully integrated the Canadian Police Information Centre’s (CPIC) stolen vehicle information with INTERPOL’s Stolen Motor Vehicle (SMV) Database in February 2024.

Stolen Vehicle

Thou shalt not steal a car with a tracking device.
A 3-months-pregnant Tennessee woman was carjacked at gunpoint following a crash — but was able to track down the stolen vehicle with an Apple AirTag device she had stashed inside a Bible.

A top global cybersecurity expert says the threat of car theft now is greater than ever and urges taking simple precautions to prevent car owners from becoming victims of tech-savvy criminals. Click the source link for the full story.

Europe and the UK

Torsdag 13. april besøkte jeg minnebenken til Past President Barry Hancock EB sammen med Vanessa Hancock. Som dere vet gikk han bort i mai 2014. Og ønsket fra familien var å ha en minnebenk i parken nær huset hans i Shoreham By Sea. På EB-seminaret 2015 i Almelo samlet deltagerne og medlemmer inn penger som kunne bidra til at familien fikk sitt ønske oppfyllt.

South Africa

Hudson County Sheriff Frank Schillari announced on Friday that as a result of the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office collaboration with Homeland Security Investigations and U.S. Customs and Border Protection at the Port of New York/Newark, a total of 23 stolen vehicles were recovered recently. They were all destined to be sent to Western African countries (Togo, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Monrovia, and ...

Desde la Rama Latinoamericana de IAATI le agradecemos por haber participado en el 5to Seminario Regional sobre Delitos Relacionados con Vehículos, organizado en forma conjunta con la Policía Federal Argentina e INTERPOL, durante los días 19 y 20 de mayo de 2022 en el Salón de las Américas del Instituto Universitario de la Policía Federal, el que fuera asimismo transmitido via ZOOM.

Europe and the UK
Asia, Africa, and Australasia

A security researcher successfully exploited a vulnerability that allowed them to not only unlock a Tesla but also drive away without ever having to touch one of the car's keys.