
Australasian Branch

AUS Branch - Forensic and Supporting Services Award
This award acknowledges that IAATI comprises a diverse range of professionals and most successful investigations involve bringing together co-operation with these professions and their expertise.  The award will help shine the spotlight on the range of supporting services that can play a major role in any investigation but often go unrecognised. The award will be open to any individual, public or private organisation involved in the provision of forensic or other types of support services.  It recognises their outstanding work that has resulted in either:
· the detection of an offence;
· significantly assisted in the investigation or prosecution; or
· the prevention of vehicle-related crime.

The award may be given for a particular case or the sustained contribution to a particular area of study over many years.

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AUS Branch - Insurance Industry Investigation of the Year
2024 Nominations close June 30th, 2024

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AUS Branch - Investigation of the Year
The Investigation of the Year award is open to any individual or team who has conducted an outstanding investigation involving the detection and prevention of auto crime. It is open to members of police forces, customs services, insurance investigators, private investigators, or anyone involved in vehicle theft investigations.

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AUS Branch - Member of the Year
Nominations for this award are only open to present or past members of the Australasian Branch of IAATI. This award is to recognise the work of an individual member, who through their dedication and involvement, has helped in the development, growth or professionalism of IAATI within the Australasian Branch or at the international level.

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AUS Branch - President's Award
The President’s Award recognises outstanding contribution by an individual or a team in either the reduction and deterrence of motor vehicle theft in Australia, the achievement of a significant result from an investigation in auto crimes, or a significant achievement in the detection of motor vehicle theft and/or fraudulent vehicle crime. 

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AUS Branch - Travel Scholarship (Discontinued)
This scholarship has been discontinued

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AUS Branch DataDot Investigation of the Year (Discontinued)
The DataDot Investigation of the Year Award was open to any organisation (public or private) that has relied upon the DataDot component identification product in an investigation of motor vehicles. The award was sponsored by DataDot Technology (Australia) Pty Ltd.

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