John Paskan - NICB

John took on the responsibility to chair the on-site committee for the 66th annual IAATI training seminar and conference. I don’t think he realized what he got into when he took on this project. This has been a long stressful year for John. He was tasked with numerous requests that required him to make changes to meet the needs of IAATI. Even though this seminar is hosted by the NERC, there was a lot of required scheduling per the IAATI SOP. John and his team worked long hours and made many changes to meet the needs of IAATI. John was inundated with emails wanting information about the progress of the committee. He did a great job working through the issues that were brought up to make sure that certain directives were met. John did this while still doing his full time job with the NICB.  I appreciate all the work John and the committee did to make this a successful and outstanding conference. 

John Paskan receiving the 2018 President’s Award from President JD Hough