Marianne Finney, State Farm Ins. Ret’d

FinneyThis years Directors’ Award has been awarded to Marianne E. Finney. Marianne has been the Marketing Director for IAATI since 2004. As the Marketing Director, Marianne is in charge of selling IAATI merchandise at the annual conference as well as on the internet. It is also part of her job every year to come up with new sales ideas. Marianne has done a great job. Since she has taken the position of Marketing Director, the sale of IAATI merchandise has grown. She has also taken the initiative of investigating new ideas before making them a new IAATI merchandise item.

Each year at the conference, her merchandise choices not only attract IAATI members, but also family members too. She has mastered the craft of balancing IAATI merchandise sales to both members and non members. She has made a positive impact on spreading the IAATI name.

Congratulations, Marianne! Job Well Done!