Paul Thomas

The decision of naming the winner for the Individual Member of the Year award is normally not an easy one, however the winner of this years Individual Member of the Year award was an easy
call. In what was a complete surprise to the winner himself, the Individual Member of the Year was announced as Mr Paul Thomas of the Comprehensive Auto-Theft Research System (CARS) and
IAATI Australasian Branch Life Member, Past President and current committee member. Paul has been tireless in his efforts over the past year to advancing and improving the Australasian branch,
and generous beyond a fault with the time he has committed to the association.

Amongst other contributions, Paul has been a driving force in bringing IAATI Australasian branch into the modern age - updating the VIN from its traditional magazine format to a handheld device
friendly format, and developing our website to make it easy for us to reach our members and stakeholders.


Australasian Branch President Mark Bennedick with Kathryn and Paul Thomas